晚归 is a Chinese term that can be translated into English as "returning home late" or "coming home late". It refers to the act of getting back home later than usual or later than expected. This term is often used to describe someone who arrives home after the usual time for various reasons.

When translating 晚归 into English, it is important to consider the context in which the term is used to accurately convey the meaning. The translation may vary depending on the specific situation in which the term is being used.

For example, if someone is talking about their daily routine and mentions that they often 晚归, it can be translated as "I often come home late" or "I often return home late". On the other hand, if a parent is worried about their child 晚归, it can be translated as "coming home late" or "returning home late" to express their concern.

Overall, 晚归 can be translated into English as "returning home late" or "coming home late" based on the context in which the term is used.

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