International English Fifth Edition Unit 5: The power of nature
Section A
1. 洪水侵袭了该地区,导致许多人无家可归。
Floods struck the area, leaving many people homeless.
2. 这场暴风雨摧毁了许多建筑物,导致巨大的财产损失。
The storm destroyed many buildings, resulting in great financial loss.
3. 飓风迫使大量居民疏散到避风处。
The hurricane forced a large number of residents to evacuate to shelters.
4. 该地区发生了地震,导致数千人死亡和失踪。
An earthquake occurred in the area, causing thousands of deaths and disappearances.
5. 暴雪使得道路封锁,导致许多人被困在家里。
The blizzard blocked the roads, leaving many people trapped at home.
Section B
1. 海啸袭击了印度尼西亚的沿海地区,导致上千人死亡。
A tsunami struck the coastal areas of Indonesia, resulting in thousands of deaths.
2. 超级台风肆虐了日本,导致许多城市遭受了重创。
Super Typhoon raged through Japan, causing great damage to many cities.
3. 火山爆发了,许多人被迫撤离他们的家园。
A volcano erupted, forcing many people to evacuate their homes.
4. 旱灾袭击了该地区,导致大量农田干旱,无法生产。
Drought struck the area, causing a large amount of farmland to become arid and unproductive.
5. 北极海冰融化了,导致海平面上升,威胁到低洼地区的生存。
The Arctic sea ice melted, causing the sea level to rise and threatening the survival of lowlying areas.