: 英文中"投降"的翻译和用法解析
1. "Surrender"作为动词,可以表示在战争、竞赛或斗争中放弃、投降或屈服。例如:
They refused to surrender even when surrounded by enemy troops. (即使被敌军包围,他们也拒绝投降。)
The suspect finally surrendered to the police after a long standoff. (嫌疑人在长时间的对峙后,最终向警方投降了。)
2. "Surrender"还可以用作名词,表示正式的投降或放弃。例如:
Their surrender marked the end of the war. (他们的投降标志着战争的结束。)
The country's surrender was met with mixed reactions from the international community. (国家的投降引起了国际社会的各种反应。)
3. 衍生用法:
"surrender oneself":意味着完全屈服、投降或顺从于某人或某事物。例如:"He surrendered himself to his passions and desires." (他屈服于自己的激情和欲望。)
"surrender control/power":表示放弃控制权或权力。例如:"The CEO decided to surrender control of the company to a new leader." (首席执行官决定将公司的控制权交给新的领导者。)
"surrender a position/claim":表示放弃某个立场或主张。例如:"The government was forced to surrender its position on the controversial policy." (政府被迫放弃了有争议的政策立场。)
"投降"在英文中通常翻译为"surrender",可以作为动词或名词使用。还有一些衍生用法,如"surrender oneself"、"surrender control/power"和"surrender a position/claim"等。