Title: The Ant and the Grasshopper Aesop's Fable

Once upon a time, there was an ant and a grasshopper who were good friends. The ant was a hardworking creature, always busy storing food for the winter. Meanwhile, the grasshopper loved to sing and dance in the warm sunlight, not thinking about the future at all.


As the days passed and winter approached, the ant worked tirelessly to gather food, while the grasshopper continued to sing and dance, believing that everything would be fine.


When the winter finally arrived, the grasshopper found itself starving and cold, with no food or shelter. It went to the ant and begged for help.


The ant, although annoyed by the grasshopper's carefree attitude in the past, took pity on its friend and shared some of its food. From that day on, the grasshopper realized the importance of preparing for the future and promised to work hard during the next summer.


Moral of the Story: It's important to work hard and prepare for the future, rather than relying on others when times get tough.


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