根据学校 董事会 于 xxxx 年 xx 月 xx 日通过的决议,我们很荣幸向[学生姓名]同学颁发奖学金证书,以资鼓励。
[学生姓名] 同学在学术学习中表现出色,表现优异,与同学们相比表现突出。她/他在各类综合素质评价中均表现出色,表现优异,为学校树立了榜样。
In accordance with the resolution passed by the Board of Directors of the school on [date], we are pleased to present the scholarship certificate to [student's name] in recognition of her/his outstanding performance.
[Student's name] has excelled in academic studies, demonstrating exceptional performance compared to peers. She/he has shown outstanding performance in various comprehensive assessments, setting an example for the school.
We hope that [Student's name] will continue to strive for excellence and achieve greater success in her/his future studies, work, and life, making greater contributions to her hometown, school, and society.