Title: "Translation: Sending Du Shaofu to Serve in Sichuan"

In the Tang Dynasty, Du Fu, a famous Chinese poet, wrote a poem dedicated to his friend, Du Shaofu, who was sent by the emperor to serve as an official in Sichuan. The following is a translation of the poem:

Gently sending off Du Shaofu,

As he sets out for his post in Sichuan.

Mountains and rivers divide us,

But our friendship remains unbroken.

He'll face challenges on his journey,

But he's a man of talent and courage.

As he travels through the mountains and rivers,

He'll bring order to the local governance.

I urge him to stay true to his principles,

To act with compassion and fairness.

To serve the people with all his heart,

And bring glory to the Tang Dynasty.

May he thrive in his new appointment,

And return to the capital in triumph.

May our friendship be everlasting,

And our bond grow ever stronger.

In this poem, Du Fu praises his friend Du Shaofu for his talent and courage, and urges him to be a just and compassionate ruler. He also expresses the hope that their friendship will endure despite the distance between them. This poem is a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the importance of serving one's country with honor and integrity.

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