

1. 蜀道之难,难于上青天:蜀道指的是古代连接蜀地和中原的交通要道。作者通过“难于上青天”来形容蜀道之险峻、难以逾越之处。

Translation: The difficulty of the Sichuan road is as hard as ascending to the blue sky.

2. 蠶叢及魚鳧,開國何茫然:蠶叢和魚鳧是两处地形险要,开国之事已经模糊不清。

Translation: Amidst mulberry bushes and on precipitous cliffs, the founding of the nation seems so distant now.

3. 尔来四万八千岁,不与秦塞通人烟:到了这里已经是48000年,与秦塞间没有人烟通达。

Translation: After traveling for fortyeight thousand years, no sign of human habitation from Qin to here.

4. 西当太白有鸟道,可以横绝峨眉巅:太白山西面有一条通往蜀地的“鸟道”,可横跨峨眉山巅。

Translation: To the west of Mount Taibai, there is a bird path that can cross the summit of Mount Emei.

5. 地崩山摧壮士死,然后万里共咸秦:这里地崩山崩,壮士死去,然后才通向汉中平原。

Translation: As the land crumbles and the mountains collapse, brave men sacrifice their lives, before finally reaching the fertile plains of Hanzhong.

6. 出能制吴绵雍戍,出能晋升宣和泰:自此往来于吴地绵州和雍地戍州;也可由这里去晋地升州和宣地和州。

Translation: From here one can travel to the Wu region, Mianzhou, and Yongzhou; one can also travel to Jinxingzhou and Xuanhetai from here.

7. 蓬莱文章建安骨,中间小谢沟津流:蓬莱山中传世名篇文章,见证了建安时代的豪杰气概,小溪如谢、沟通水路。

Translation: In the midst of Penglai, there are literary works and the spirit of the heroes from the Jianan period, with streams flowing through the Xie and Gou valleys.

8. 云峰若到江南地,应接舆摄五城烟:如果云峰能够到达江南,就能看到坐落在江南的五座城市被云雾环绕。

Translation: If the clouds and peaks reach the land of Jiangnan, they will greet the smoke from the five cities.

9. 故道熊峨王屋津,五溪信口聚神仙:熊峨山下有王屋津古道,五条溪流汇聚在此处,堪为仙人聚会之地。

Translation: Along the ancient path from Xionger and Wangwu ferry, where five streams converge, immortals gather by word of mouth.

10. 慨当以慷忿忡忡,对此如何不泪垂:读到这,心情激动、忧愤交集,怎能不流下泪来呢?

Translation: How can one not shed tears when feeling so indignant and sorrowful?


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