• 他们提出了一些条件来解决合作问题。 (They proposed some conditions to resolve the collaboration issues.)
  • Translation of "条件" into English

    Alternatively, when "条件" refers to terms of agreement or specific provisions in a contract, "term" is more suitable:

    When "条件" refers to a requirement or circumstance upon which something else is contingent, "condition" is an appropriate translation. For example:

  • 她成功的条件是良好的教育。 (Good education was a condition for her success.)
    • Translation of "条件" into English

    • 这些是我们对合作的条件。 (These are our terms for collaboration.)
    • The Chinese word "条件" can be translated into English as "condition" or "term," depending on the context in which it is used.

      Remember, the choice between "condition" and "term" depends on the context. If it denotes a prerequisite or circumstance, "condition" is preferred. If it refers to an agreement or provision, "term" is more appropriate.

      • 我们需要重新谈论合同的条件。 (We need to renegotiate the terms of the contract.)
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